• I want to edit or cancel my order?

Orders can only be canceled or edited if they are not in processing. Most orders are in  processing within 1 day of purchase. Please reach out to customer support at  service@acorpstyle.com to see if your order can still be edited or canceled.


  • How do I use a store coupon?

Please enter your coupon code in the discount code section at check out.


  • How long does shipping take?

Shipping time takes around 8-15 days. For more details about shipping information, you can check this out>>>https://www.acorpstyle.com/pages/shipping-info


  • How do I return a product?

If you wish to return the items to the nearest return address, please contact our customer service (service@acorpstyle.com) first time, we will get back to you within 24 hours.


  • What other payment options are available?

 We only accept PayPal now.


Email us: service@acorpstyle.com with your full name, order number, return  confirmation number and we will get back to you shortly.